© 2016 Friends of Green Cay
Starting in 2012, The Friends of Green Cay Nature Center, Inc. has awarded a one-time Environmental Scholarship to high school seniors intending to study any of the environmental sciences.

The Scholarship Committee consists of three former educators.

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It is a rigorous process. Students must show proof of acceptance to an accredited four year college or university, provide transcripts, demonstrate community service hours, obtain two letters of recommendation, and answer two essay questions, what do you think is the most important environmental issue facing us today and why, and has volunteer service made a meaningful impact in your life and education.

This year, scholarship was awarded to one winner. She will have $4,000 applied to her school account.

In 2022 Friends of Green Cay Nature Scholarship Committee suddenly lost a valued member in Shelly Hymowitz. Among her many duties as a volunteer and as a member of the FOGC Board of Directors she particularly loved serving on the Scholarship Committee.  She enjoyed being part of the process of choosing young scholars that will “change the world”.  A scholarship has been named in her honor.


Keira Stolowitz

Keira is a graduate of Jupiter Community High School’s Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy. This academy is an intensive four-year honors program with
a focus on environmental, biological, and Earth Science.

Keira has earned approximately 900 community service hours.   As part of her service hours she volunteered at Loggerhead Marine Life Center and Busch Wildlife Sanctuary as a mentor to young children.

Keira founded the Butterfly Club at her high school.  She has traveled to Hawaii and Costs Rica to assist in environmental preservation efforts.

Keira will be attending the University of Florida and plans to pursue a major in Sustainable Architecture.
Congratulations to the 2024
Friends of Green Cay Environmental Scholarship winner